The address of the website must be UNIQUE on this register. If you share your website with other dancers or teachers who are on my register, make sure you give the address of a specific page here
(e.g. "") so that your reference is unique.

To reduce significantly the risk of Spam Agents "harvesting" your email address, my teacher register conceals your email address by being within "Frames", and by a process known as "Obfuscation" - but neither of these techniques can absolutely guarantee that no Spam Agents will find it. For stronger spam protection, you are advised to have your own website and, on that site, to protect your email address either with an intercept device (such as the one I use, which you can get free of charge on or a contact or message facility which sends the message direct to you securely without using your email program.

If you already have such a website and you enter its address on the form, you can tick the box to choose not to have your email address contained in the register at all.

Please note that a request not to contain the email address in the register will be ignored if no website address is provided or a random check on the website reveals that it does not have a contact or message facility.
