The operations you can do on this form are to "Update" (i.e. change) or "Delete" your record on the teacher register.

Use Update if you need to make minor changes to your teacher record. This includes changes to any existing venue details, or the addtion of new venues (to a maximum of 7 in total). To make major changes, use the New/Replace form instead.

Use Delete only if you wish to delete your teacher entry permanently. This is not necessary if you are going to Replace it.

Updates and Deletions are only possible using this form if you have previously received a teacher password. Password protection was only introduced to this site in August 2008 so, if you last added or changed your record prior to that time, you will not have a password.
In that case, to carry out an Update, please enter your most recently registered email address and a password of your choice, which I shall confirm in my response to you (the response will be sent to the originally registered email address, to ensure that the Update was carried out by the teacher owning the registry entry).
To delete, if you don't have a password, just send me an email (from your registered email address) and I will delete it for you.
