The Comments could include text to describe your particular skills, experience, qualifications or specialities, or to give a general description of your approach to teaching. You are advised NOT to enter any email addresses here, as they will not be securely encoded and will undoubtedly be picked up by "spam agents" and used to send you lots of spam!!

Please do not enter frequently changing information such as dates of your workshops or courses or times and fees for your classes (because these get out of date and then bring the register into disrepute). Information of that type should really be in just one place (ideally your website or Facebook page).

Please do not enter more text than the box size (about 800 chars), as it will prevent your entry from being accepted.

If you are UPDATING your information, you can select whether any text you type here will REPLACE, ADD at the BEGINNING, or ADD at the END of the comments currently in your teacher record on the register.
